Pole Art Trial Classes
Start your pole journey & join our flock! We're waiting for you!

Special Beginner Pole Art Trial vs. Regular Pole Art Trial
If you've never done any pole dance classes with us, the first step is to book your Pole Art Trial Class! Whether you are totally new to pole or have previous experience, the trial class is the way to go if you're visiting us for the first time. Doing a trial class before registering for regular classes is also a way for you to explore our class structure and get a feeling for the studio.
Special Beginner Pole Art Trial Classes (available occasionally)
Occasionally we schedule a Special Beginner Pole Art Trial Classes of 90min - this usually happens when we are about to start a new Fundamentals Intro group. This class is designed for students who have never tried pole before.
Regular Pole Art Trial Classes (always available)
While our existing classes have spaces available, you can book a Regular Pole Art Trial Class (duration: 70min) in any Pole Art group class that corresponds to your level. If you are a total beginner you can book a trial class in the level Fundamentals Intro.
Feel free to contact us to ask which group we recommend for your level :)
NB: We do not offer trial classes for Pole Choreo courses, but you are welcome to book a private classs if you'd like a single-class pole choreo experience.
Pole Art Trial Class:
What to know before participating!
Come as you are! You don't need any prior experience or change your body!
To start pole dance classes you don't need to have any former experience in dance, acrobatics, flexibility or other forms of exercise. Though all these are of great advantage, they are not a requirement for you to start pole with us. We often hear people who say they first want to get strong, or flexible, or lose weight, etc. before starting. Forget all of that and come as you are. ​
Avoid moisturising on pole day!
On pole day, avoid applying moisturisers, creams or oils to your skin, especially to your hands, as theis will make you slip and slide on the pole which can be a frustrating experience.
What to wear:
To your first pole class, you can wear any tight-ish fitting shorts (the shorter the more practical) and sports top (tank tops and t-shirts are fine too, but we recommend sleeveless tops so you can use your armpit and bicep skin). The reason we don't wear a lot of clothes for pole is because we rely on our skin to grip on the pole for many movements in Pole Art classes. If for some reason you cannot expose your skin, we can recommend special pole wear for you that is designed to be grippy for the pole.
Bring along:
a gym towel, leak-proof water bottle, socks
All genders & bodies are welcome and wanted.
Our classes are open to people of all genders and bodies. If you don't feel comfortable in mixed gender classes, please reach out to us so we can offer you a solution where you feel at ease.
No late-comers allowed.
We have a strict locked door policy. At the start of the class we lock the studio door and latecomers are not allowed to join the class. This is to prevent injuries, class disruptions, and guarantee general safety. Since this may be the first time that you come to the studio, please manage you rtime and plan ahead to you arrive 5-10min before the start of the class. ​​​